Part 15: Episode 13 - but less sticky
Episode 13!
We haven't poked our nose in Updaam in the afternoon, but I went in knowing two things: I need to get there afternoon to run the Moxie, and I had saved the fireworks shop offscreen during my loop-around to kill Fia properly, so might as well nab the code I need to advance Frank's lead. Didn't expect an arsenal lead and a lot of mystery solving, but I won't say no to it!

I'll show off a better angle of the Sepulchra sniper rifle next update; that was a pleasant surprise pickup. And hey, we'll get a chance to poke around at the much-touted party Aleksis is holding! That'll be a fun time, parties are always fun and never tragic!
(e: forgot to save taking the video from private to public, should be good now! Certified Smartest Boy Alive© )